smrtr ISO certified

smrtr is ISO 27001:2013 certified!

We’ve always held data management and security in the highest regard. smrtr undertook a project to become ISO 27001:2013 certified.

GetReminded x smrtr

How GetReminded increased membership...

To boost its user acquisition, GetReminded wanted to identify an audience whose demographic and psychographic...


How We Can Make Data Portability Wor...

Earlier this year we saw Facebook take significant steps towards giving users greater control over their data in the form of


What’s The Role Of Data In Fightin...

As the fight against climate change continues, governments and businesses around the world are looking for new ways to...


What COVID-19 Showed Us About Using ...

It is no secret that when the COVID-19 pandemic struck last year, most of us had no idea what to do.


How The Consumer Data Right Is Chang...

The Consumer Data Right – as the name would suggest – is all about giving consumers more control over their data.